I've followed tutorials on youtube on how to get clothing weight painted and set up for in-game use but when I go to equip it, the game crashes. Can someone look at http://www.mediafire.com/?m6qddo4j6o4eixr for me and tell me what I did wrong?
I've followed tutorials on youtube on how to get clothing weight painted and set up for in-game use but when I go to equip it, the game crashes. Can someone look at http://www.mediafire.com/?m6qddo4j6o4eixr for me and tell me what I did wrong?
Your base node is a "BSFadeNode", it needs to be an NINode.
Also, on your Dismemberment modifier, you need to fix one thing;
The ones in red need to be flagged off, the blue one should stay on. Your Texture Shaders look right.
That's what I got just looking at it in Nifskope, so I'm unsure what the actual skinning is like, but if you have an unskinned vertices on your mesh, things can get a bit screwy.
Pretty sure I skinned it properly. I'll apply those other fixes though, thanks for your help.
Hmm. It's working now but I've got this issue of http://s22.postimg.org/alvuzrrj5/TESV_2013_05_21_02_51_59_06.jpg going on here. It's kind of funny, to be honest.
Yeah, I still have the floating body parts problem myself, haven't quite figured it out.
As for the texture, did you make sure to add specular data to your normal maps? Spec data is all held in the normal maps alpha channel, and it essentially controls brightness/shinyness.
If you have photoshop, you can pull up your normal map and check the alpha channel under "channels". If it's empty, then just copy your diffuse texture, and past it into the alpha channel (make sure the size resolutions match before pasting), and then adjust the brightness of the alpha channel to your liking. When you save, make sure you save as DXT3 or DXT5, as DXT1 dosen't hold alpha channel information. If you don't have Photoshop then I can't help much as I don't use anything else.
Yeah I use Photoshop. Shame you don't know anything about the floating parts though. I wonder how I'm going to figure that out...
Edit: Wait, it says here how to deal with that. http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Skyrim._Part_2#Add_materials_and_textures