How to adjust where the dragonborn can go..

Post » Tue May 21, 2013 8:56 pm

Hello! I'm sorry if this has been done before its just I didn't know what it would be under, the issue I have is when trying to create a glorious castle in skyrim your often limited on where you can go, so I thought on the edge there should be plenty of room, now the issue I have is when testing it in game you recive the message "you can not go that way" due to it being on the edge of the world, now here's the question how dose one adjust this in the creation kit?

Many thanks

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Post » Tue May 21, 2013 6:13 pm

Go to the World tab and select "regions"

Get comfortable with the article is for Oblivion but everything still applies)

Create a new region. When drawing the shape, make it surround your castle and make sure it also overlaps the main border region (BorderRegionSkyrim). Flag it as "Border Region".

Make sure you do NOT touch any other regions, as it will dump oodles of cell edits into your mod.

Alternatively, you could distribute an ini tweak with your mod.

Make a text file called "yourmodname.ini" with the following contents:

[General]bBorderRegionsEnabled = 0

Distribute it alongside your mod (NOT in the bsa I think).

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