Do you think they will have a next gen console version?
Do you think they will have a next gen console version?
No. Lets just focus on making Falout 4 all it can be. Skyrim is over with so that's that.
I'm sure it will be playable if that's what you mean.
No. Skyrim was released in 2011, and they are shortly bring out the Legendary Edition to tempt any who might still not have played the game. Why would they do an old game for the new consoles? We have all played it to death, so the sales are not likely to pay for it to be ported. And the sales of the next lot of consoles might not be that brilliant anyway. They do the next Elder Scrolls game and it is just as popular as Skyrim, maybe then they could think of porting some of the older games to the newest consoles.
Nope, why would they? There isn't a precedent for a thing like this, and Bethesda would be much better off working on new projects for the new systems, which I'm sure Fallout 4 and the eventual Elder Scrolls VI both will be.
Skyrim, No.
Another TES Title, More than likely as I doubt that the pile of [censored] TESO looks like its doomed to be an early failure. So an Elder Scrolls VI will likely be next up.
You know, if you aren't interested in threads like this, just ignore it and go to something you are interested in. It takes far less effort to ignore a thread you think is pointless than to post in it.
TESO isn't being made by Bethesda. Whether it succeeds or fails, it will have no impact on a game being made by a separate studio.