Critical charge with Bladesman

Post » Wed May 22, 2013 2:25 pm

Right now I'm working on a bit of an overhaul mod(started as me just wanting to add wind magic). I have changed Bladesman to use Value= damage*.30/.40/.50, along with the basic 10/15/20% chance of working. So if I had a Deadric sword with a damage of 200, with the third rank you should have a 20% chance of doing 104 damage.

I want to allow Critical charge to multiply your critical damage with the boost from Bladesman, but of course they both use the base critical damage. If I add the ' S GetLastCriticalHit NONE == 1 AND' condition to the Perk owner tab of Critical Charge's damage component, will it work? That condition would tell the game to get the damage of the players last critical hit and multiply it by two, right?

Please tell me if this condition would allow the two to work together and if not could you suggest a condition that would work. ty

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Lalla Vu
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