I am officially getting my own choosing computer as a graduation gift and what will be my first newer PC game? Skyrim Legendary Edition, which is coming out around the corner... Not quite yet.
So I've been making plans and ideas of mods that I wish to make for Skyrim, and will definably be focusing on them pretty much right away. I wish to share my ideas now and maybe get some info if they already been done or if I should just throw them away... You know, that sort of thing.
~Fall of Krendor~
My 1st idea is the one about my first major project. This one I am doing for sure because I have some awesome plans with this mod... I guess the basic definition would be... I'll be adding an island which you can go to via boat from Dawnstar. This island will host at least one small city, one draugr tomb, and one long quest. The quest itself will pretty much be about how the island will fall to a zombie-like disease (I know the whole zombie thing is overdone but bare with me on this)... Basicly, at first everything is fine. Few nice shopkeepers selling some unique weapons and other items then eventually everybody will end up dead... It will be up to player to investigate this and find out how it all begins, which I shall keep as a surprise... You will never guess it, that's for sure.
Now as for the zombies and whole disease thing. The zombies will basicly be what the current Skyrim zombies already are. Resurrected creatures/humanoids. However, any humanoid zombies I shall try my best in giving them a more zombie-like animation set, forcing them to drop their weapons, drain their mana, and giving them powerful hand-to-hand damage. You know, make them more zombie-like. There will be two different type of humanoid zombies though. Original ones which are the ones randomly spawned and will have the major scripts. Fresh ones which are the ones recently became and cannot effect others... And yes, I am planning to make it so if an Original Zombie kills something, the thing it kills will come back alive and join the Zombie Faction while being removed from all others. (The faction will be used to keep them all on same side while hating everything else). The player can also get the disease and it shall do a constant damage effect to their health since the disease is all about killing the host and taking control of the body.
Note: If possible, I might make any resurrected humanoid more zombie-like and will be made as a separated mod as well.
As for the quest itself, there will be one NPC who shall be voiced by either me or someone else who is willing. But most likely me cause this NPC is important for the end. The rest of the quest is basicly investigating, reading journals, events, etc. I am planning for puzzles and even a fun little maze. There will be a lot of AI vs AI fighting thru out the quest. Especially at one point when the disease is at 'Extreme levels' all over the island. It will be a high level quest. One requirement will be about the player killing at least one dragon. (FYI: The dragon at Whiterun Watchtower). Other enemies may include draugr, wild animals, dragon priests, NPCs, and more...
~Haunted Mine~
A simple idea. I hadn't picked a spot yet but I have an idea of adding a haunted mine which within it, the player will be able to mine all sorts of ores everywhere however it will not be easy. The mine will definably have ghosts but also have plans to making 'animated pickaxes' and even an event where the player's pickaxe may leave their inventory and get animated... It is haunted after all. The mine itself will be pretty big and will be more maze like rather than straight forward.
~High Level Random Events~
One thing in Skyrim I get annoyed with is some of the random events you find on the road are these high level enemies in ebony and such. But they use such weak and pathetic weapons... I actually found a Bosmer in full ebony using Sparks... What? So this idea is basic. Either edit said events or add my own random NPCs to encounter that will actually be more of a threat rather than an annoyance.
~Legendary Enemies~
You know Legendary Dragons, right? Basicly, do the same thing with a lot of other enemies... Make an extremely much more powerful version of them. Though most of them will have the same name as their lower level counterpart but some might just be renamed to something else. Like "Dragon Priest Lord" or "Draugr Grand Overlord".
~Dremora Weaponry~
Simple idea. Bring back the old Dremora Weapons from Oblivion. Dremoras using steel and iron weapons is just pathetic.
~Ghosts Remake~
Make ALL Ghosts similar to the Ghosts found on Solstheim where you can only loot random misc item and ectoplasm. Also make it so they can NEVER drop their weapon upon death or have their head cut off via killcam. Lastly, make ghosts more common around Skyrim and maybe even add a special ghost event on the road where you either find a friendly ghost just walking by or a raged ghost.
~Skeletons Update~
Bring back the old system of skeletons. Remember? Warriors, Guardians, Heroes, and Champions. This will NOT effect the skeletons found within Dawnguard. Only the skeletons within the main game.
That's all for now... It's getting late where I am and I'm about to pass out...