» Wed May 22, 2013 10:54 pm
Really? I think female Bretons are among the easiest to make good-looking. They are cute by default! I think the first preset is pretty, so I would start with that.
When you choose preset, start by getting rid of warpaint, dirt, age complexions and scar, and choose a neutral hairstyle that doesn't cover the face. Then look at the face from different angles, especially the SHAPE of the face, since that probably is the hardest part. Lips and eyes are easy to change!
When you're tweaking the sliders, you can try things as
-narrowing the eyes slightly
-try setting the eyes higher/lower
-try setting the mouth higher/lower
-edit the height and width of the eyebrows (they change shape a lot by doing this, also the expression of the face)
And see what happens if you make the chin slightly longer or shorter (not too short though, I think that's a fairly common mistake!), the jaw more wide or narrow, the cheekbones higher/lower...
Coloring (skintone, blusher, eyeliner and so one) comes last together with scare and such.
Good luck!