Two times. But meh. Easily in, easily out. Bounties are paid off and all.
Two times. But meh. Easily in, easily out. Bounties are paid off and all.
Good to see that a Stormcloak can make a 'high and mighty' Thalmor uncomfortable
After 18 months, 32 characters, and 3500 hrs... only once. Even then it was quest related.
I always say, "Why bribe or persuade a guard to let you into town when a quick punch in the nose will get you a personal escort and a great deal of satisfaction." Guards, they're so easy. lol With that in mind, there is generally, eventually, at least two arrests with my characters.
Not counting quest-related arrests? Twice, since when I initially started playing I thought the citizens of Skyrim would be alright with me taking their things and the guards wouldn't mind if I picked the locks to their houses in broad daylight.
The only time I've ever been "caught" stealing is when I've encountered a pair of Mercenaries some time later sent to "teach me a lesson". It's only happened twice. Oddly enough that person was already dead on both occasions... so... Good thing too. I would have paid'em a little visit.
I have however been seen committing murder, transforming into a Vampire Lord, punching Nazeem, and accidentally catching one or two civilians in my attacks (assault) while trying to fend off other Vampires. They've never captured me for these crimes.
Days Jailed : 0
Bounty [depends on where] : 25g - 30,000g
((Goes to soul cairn, rescue, comes back, knock out Altmer and draw a permanent mustache on the Altmer))
I have only been caught 1 time per Hold when I found out some had secret escape routes. I wanted to try find all the ways
If I get arrested, it's because I want to be just to break out and cause more chaos. In Imperial holds.
In the general stats it says about 45 times. most of them are murder or stealing. mostly murder.
Around 30 times. My assassins don't get caught much, they prefer to wipe out the entire town guard in their escape. My thieves get arrested, but break out easily. Other characters just don't mess up and get arrested.