So I put 400+ hours into Skyrim at it's initial release until the game became unplayable and my quest log became so littered with glitched quests that I quit.
About 8 months after that I got the urge to start a new character.. I did my best to avoid possible glitch scenarios for about 200 hours, until I completed the civil questline and discovered many glitched quests at once on arrival to Solitude.. so I rage-quit that game.
Now, since the release of the 3 add-ons and newer patches I got all excited again.. started a new character, put a lot of effort into avoiding issues etc.. at ~level 60 and 280 hours I had a nice clean quest log, managed to avoid any civilian deaths etc.. everything was looking great!
Until now..
The Ice-Form shout seems to be bugged..
I received the first word through the college quest at saarthal.
Upon approaching the word wall at Mount Anthor it wants to give me the 3rd word.."statue".. however of course it doesn't appear in my inventory..
I tried loading older saves and going to Frostmere Crypt instead for the other word wall but that also gives me "statue".
If I visit both walls the second time it glitches and the word doesn't appear at all.. no glowing - just that hissing sound.
I've searched around and see that such glitches have been around a long time.. so it looks like this will never get patched.
If anybody has any suggestions or managed to fix such an issue I'd love hear about it.