Can't get into Heimskr's house

Post » Thu May 23, 2013 3:26 am

Okay, didn't find a thread about this so here it is.

I got a Thieve's Guild quest to steal a jug from Heimskr's house. However, this is AFTER the seige of Whiterun, and it's been weeks in gametime since that event. The rest of Whirerun is cleaned up, but there is a broken cart blocking his door. I get an "open door" hover when I move my mouse, but can't lock on it to open the door.

I see that this is an issue; it's been stated in other sites' forums. Is this on the fix list? VERY annoying.


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Post » Thu May 23, 2013 12:19 am

You mentioned using a mouse. I think you are looking for the This forum is for the PS3.

I had this bug and I don't think it has been fixed since then. A way around it is to go back to who gave you the quest and make them cancel it. You can then ask them for the quest again and it should be in a different location. Save before you do so you can reload if it is for the same house.

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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Wed May 22, 2013 9:47 pm

"A way around it is to go back to who gave you the quest and make them cancel it. You can then ask them for the quest again and it should be in a different location."

THIS.. !!!!

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Mélida Brunet
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