If you have mods that use it yeah
I suggest creating a shortcut either on your desktop or through steam.
EDIT: Or yeah, mod managers will have launcher buttons for it.
If you have mods that use it yeah
I suggest creating a shortcut either on your desktop or through steam.
EDIT: Or yeah, mod managers will have launcher buttons for it.
Yes. You can launch SKSE through NMM as well.
So I shouldnt launch it through steam anymore correct? Just to be safe.
Already have a shortcut, changed the icon and all. Followed Gophers tutorial...........absolutely amazing.
Correct, don't launch from the original launcher.
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnk you guys, so helpful, almost braught a tear to my eye you guys are so helpful!
Most likely nothing will go wrong if you do launch from steam, especially if you don't save your game. If you use SkyUI you'll actually get a message that tells you SKSE isn't present
SKSE isnt required for the unofficial patches right?
No, it is not. SKSE is required for SkyUI though, which I imagine you're using (or should be using, it's a great mod).
Nah, its ok, i am one of the few people that actually like the old UI, i know, im strange.
If you don't use any mods that require SKSE, then you probably don't need it. It doesn't hurt to keep using SKSE though.
Just went through all the descriptions of my mods, none require SKSE, so i will go ahead and use the steam launcher until i get a mod that requires SKSE. Now another question, can i still get achievements when launching through the SKSE launcher?
Yep, Steam Achievements will still work.
And if you want a mod that uses SKSE, I highly suggest "Smart Souls" http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14559/?
especially if you do any enchanting.
SKSE shouldn't interfere with Steam achievements.
the unofficial patch messes with my vampires eyes, so sadly I cannot use it
Stable game without it though, I dont switch out too many mods. (my first character I did)
yEP; JUST GOT the companions cheevo. tested it out....unfortunately they sent me to shimmermist cave at leve 4! Hellz to the noez! Gonna do the MQ first, lol.