CTD when loading Battle for Solitude. No mods.

Post » Thu May 23, 2013 4:36 pm

I had this problem weeks ago, and now I have to complete the quest. After Ulfric gives his speech and enters Solitude, I try to follow but crash to desktop (CTD) during the loading screen. Here is what I have tried

I completely uninstalled all mods. Didn't work.

I completely uninstalled Skyrim, backed up my saves, reinstalled. Didn't work.

I went back about 4 levels in saves, expedited all of the Civil War quests up to this point. Didn't work.

I used console command "coc (solitude cells)"

I used console command "player.moveto (Solitude NPCs)" - All of the NPCs I teleport to are in zones/cells within solitude. When I try to enter the streets of Solitude, it crashes. Didn't work.

I turned my graphics on low. Didn't work.

I also tried:

SetObjectiveCompleted CWSiege Obj 1

For the stages I tried:

1 I am to join Ulfric Stormcloak in the final attack on Solitude, putting an end to the Imperial Legion in Skyrim, once and for all.

1000 (Objective is assigned): Get your Orders from

1005 (Objective is assigned): Break through the Enemy Barricade

1015 (Objective is assigned): Follow

1020 (Objective is assigned): Open the Exterior Gate

1030 (Objective is assigned): Open the Drawbridge

1050 (Objective is assigned): Enter

I set all of the above to 1 and then used "SetStage CWSiegeObj 1" and tried entering Solitude. Didn't work.

When I use player.sqs CWSiegeObj it doesn't show the stages as above though. It just shows 1, 8899, and like 9000 or some number in the 9000s.

I'm running out of ideas and it's really frustrating. Please help.

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Philip Lyon
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Post » Fri May 24, 2013 3:16 am

Turn off the Autosaves?

Wait a few days before trying to enter Solitude after his speech. Don't worry, they will wait for you to show up.

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Post » Thu May 23, 2013 11:52 am

I will turn off autosave in the settings go to Whiterun and wait a week and see if it works.

Also my quest still says "Get Your Orders from Ulfric" with diamond filled in, but there is no additional stage or instruction. Shouldn't it say "Break through the Enemy Barricade"? I assume this from looking at the stages on http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Battle_for_Solitude

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Post » Thu May 23, 2013 5:38 pm

Your Journal will say that until you talk to Ulfric.

Oh, uninstalling the mods and playing on with that save has for all intents and purposes hosed your save. And it gets worse the longer you go. Put your mods back on, then load up a save from before you removed them.

See this for a discussion as to why you should never uninstall a mod from a save in this game, start with post 33, the earlier stuff is not applicable to you


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Post » Thu May 23, 2013 12:01 pm

I reinstalled my mods and they are working fine so far. Played a couple hours. I just wanted to see if it was the mods that were causing the CTD, I didn't save over anything with the mods gone though.

What sequence of console commands can I use to complete all of the stages of the battle IN Solitude and skip to Castle Dour? I'm wondering if it's just this cell that is bugged and not being able to pass it is holding me back.

I tried "SetStage CWSiegeObj 1" but nothing changes.

I also try "SetObjectiveCompleted CWSiegeObj 1" but nothing happens either, my quest log remains the same.

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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Thu May 23, 2013 5:30 pm

Looking for help. I wish Bethesda would give me a hand here.

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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Thu May 23, 2013 4:10 pm

Need help still

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