Xbox user
*Your* Morrowind game might have had that ending. Personally, I didn't kill Vivec. And nothing much else was settled, either, besides destroying the Heart. The Houses were still in conflict, which one finally prevailed? Slavery, the Ashlanders, with Almalexia dead, who is in charge where she ruled? Especially since no one believes you killed her.
As far as Oblivion goes, yes, Martin became the avatar of Akatosh. Yes, he has a wonderful statue that bestows a great blessing. His part is done. But who is in charge of the Empire? Right at the moment, it is the Council, but who will be emperor? What is happening with the provinces?
And in my Skyrim, Ulfric is dead, and Tullius is coming up with ideas about what to do with the Thalmor; he knows they aren't settled yet.
Not every story in an ES game is completely wrapped up. We are seeing a piece of everything that is going on, and we may never find out what happened in some cases. It doesn't mean the game, that one window in time that we see, isn't finished.
Odd. In my game the Dragonborn killed the World Eater and saved the world. Not sure what game the TC is playing.
Granted, no one in the game recognizes it...
You know, you're right. Boy, are they going to be disappointed when Bethesda concocts one of their "everything is canon" endings.
How do we know they won't pull something out of left field and create a "nothing is cannon" ending?