"God of Worms"
many suspect he ascended to God-hood after the Warp in the West, and the necromancers moon is a direct result of his power
Scroll down to the Warp in the West
"God of Worms"
many suspect he ascended to God-hood after the Warp in the West, and the necromancers moon is a direct result of his power
Scroll down to the Warp in the West
You didn't answer my earlier question.
If the Thalmor wan't to undo Mankind then why did they accept the Empires surrender instead of outright killing them?
Not accurate. Anu and Padomay/Sithis aren't anything besides the concepts or forces of stasis and change. Ehlnofey are giants. Are giants et'ada/gods now? Magnus is a god, but he left and is potentially Mehrunes Dagon.
I guess it was written to explain why cyrodiil wasnt a jungle in oblivion? Kinda sad now how zenimax screwed it up,Do we need another out of game answer?....
Ehlnofey are Aedra that became aspects of Nirn. Like the Hist.
It does. Men are paying for it in blood right now. Looks like the tolerable, peaceful, anuic Elves are sick and tired of men and their ****.
So MK is not a reliable source for lore but UESP is? UESP is inaccurate and frequently makes assumptions/mistakes.
There's a big difference between undoing mankind and killing them all. Plus, need I remind you that Hammerfell was able to fight off the Thalmor without the aid of the Empire? It's not as simple as you make it out to be. The Empire's surrender was a tactical decision and both sides know it.
You're jumping goal posts. Earlier you said the Thalmor wan't to exterminate all of Mankind. Now you're saying they wan't to subjugate them, which I actually agree with.