Which is the overall best weapon enchantment among the three?
Fire Damage, Frost Damage, or Shock Damage?
Thanks in advance, and this is my first thread, woohoo! Maybe I'll post a "New DLC?" or "Civil War Outlook" next.
Which is the overall best weapon enchantment among the three?
Fire Damage, Frost Damage, or Shock Damage?
Thanks in advance, and this is my first thread, woohoo! Maybe I'll post a "New DLC?" or "Civil War Outlook" next.
If I'm not mistaken, only one enemy in the game is immune to Shock damage -- the Storm Atronach. I don't generally use those enchantments though, as I usually have the good fortune of possessing the Paralyze and Drain Health enchantments.
Me too, I was just gonna experiment with one of those, Absorb Health, and 100% Destruction cost reduction gear, but I don't wanna waste a perfectly good Stalhrim Bow.
Frost, or better yet Frost and Chaos. I am wondering if You realise Frost Enchantments are boosted on Stalrhim Weapons?