RIP Belathor! :-(

Post » Fri May 24, 2013 7:47 pm

Slain in a vampire attack on Whiterun, he rushed toward them as they came through the main gate, lasting all of 3 seconds before he perished.

I don't do reloads, whatever will be will be and i'll have to deal with it.

So, am I now faced with going elsewhere for trinkets, odds and ends and that sort of thing? (not to mention offloading useless expensive potions ive brewed). Or will his assistant take over the running of the shop? I remember reading somewhere that if an NPC dies then someone else sometimes takes over the business.
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Pete Schmitzer
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Post » Fri May 24, 2013 7:23 pm

The USKP fixes belethor's backup store manager.

Originally bethesda planned that Ysolda take over belethor if belethor is dead, but that never made it into the game. Ysolda instead will take over Hulda. However it is Mikael who has Hulda's package(therefore if hulda dies, USKP solves the problem of Mephala's quest not starting as mikael will give out the quest).

If you have USKP installed, Ysolda will be the owner of the trinklet store. Else...i m afraid no one is taking the store

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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Sat May 25, 2013 1:53 am

On Ps3 so USKP isn't an option. I guess his store will remain closed. Thanks anyway :)
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