Ok, so I've had Skyrim on Xbox from DAY ONE when it released and have LOVED it. I have well over 1,000 hours into 3 characters. I had no bugs till they started patching everyone else's bugs...but that's not the point...I wanted to be able to fix bugs myself and see Skyrim in all its glory with the best graphics so I just ordered a gaming laptop the other day so i can record videos with my Elgato and Xbox (my current pc is a crap Acer Aspire that comes in at a pitiful 1.3GHz...not able to do much) and so i can play the like 30 or so games I have on Steam and play a bunch of my old games like Empire At War, TFU2, and so on. Anyways...I want to know what is required to run the best graphics...? Let me explain. I have a good laptop now, so its not the settings or components of the pc im worried about. It will run high settings for the most demanding game with ease and without even breaking a sweat. But my main question (finally) is do i need the Skyrim High Res Texture Pack from Steam? Or should I just download the texture mods that are on Steam from the community hub? or do i need the High Res Pack to be able to run the mods? I am just starting out with this and figure it would be easiest to just ask the community (you guys) what you think or how its supposed to be. I want to see what is pretty much my favorite game in its full glory at the very best it can be. Can you guys say how I should go about this? Thanks everyone.