Can't complete the misc. Dawnguard quest starter - or start

Post » Sat May 25, 2013 1:17 am

I've done this mission once before, before I downloaded hearthfire and the latest version (1.8) - But now, I can't complete the mission.

Dialogues don't initiate, activators don't seem to work, and the quest doesn't update.


Walking into the Dawnguard worldspace/main base/whatever, you are supposed to meet Agmaer and "sort-of" have a conversation with him walking up to the fort.
-Never happens.
He stands there staring at me and talks about wanting to help out.
If you to Durak about the crossbow he is using, he says something along the lines of "here, take one".
Crossbow never gets added to the inventory.
I seem to a remember a conversation at the front door.
-Nobody ever shows up.
There is supposed to be a conversation between the leader of the Dawnguard and a Vigilant of Stendarr.
-Never happens.
They stand there silently looking at each other until I talk to one of them. Agmaer doesn't have much to say either.
Eventually, the misc. quest gets marked as completed, but no new quest starts. and the Vigilant just sits down in the Fort. Nothing progresses.

Any Ideas on how to fix this, and get the quests back on track?
Using "setstage" command on "DLC1VQ01" (Awakening - The second quest) doesn't work. It just moves that quest to the completed quests section.
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Post » Sat May 25, 2013 12:34 pm

I'm bumping this. I have the problem where Dawnguard quest completes but Awakening doesnt start. I've tried setstage, resetquest , completequest, unchecking mods, reloading save and everything else I can think of, but still the Awakening quest isnt given to me.

Please someone help.

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Anthony Rand
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