I'm annoyed now. Every time I bring up the menu, it autosaves.
I was literally just about to make a thread about this!
I've taken a 2/3 month break away from Skyrim and decided to return the other night.
I created a new character, travelled towards Riverwood and experienced the exact same issues. >.<
This has never happened before, so I'm pretty confused to why it's happening now..
I'm on PlayStation 3 by the way.. and I've already tried deleting and reinstalling the game data, but to no avail, nothing changed.
I haven't run into that bug, yet... Lord knows I did a lot of character creating when I decided I wanted a cute female wood elf. No talent at that, I have.
I wonder if having alot of save files already on your system would play a role in that? I too am on PS3 but have never run into that problem. I have two characters on my system at the moment and only 3 or 4 save files for Skyrim. Not saying thats the cause.
Lots of characters? If so, maybe try deleting the ones you'll never use. Could be the issue. Then again, maybe not.
Ah, nevermind then. I am on PC and I thought I have seen this issue before, so I was wondering if it was mod related.
Just hold the PS button instead of ejecting the disc.
I deleted all my old save files because wanted to start from scratch with a new character. So save files have nothing to do with this issue. I'm going to try again later on tonight, hope it works..
This is a bug that 1.8 introduced. It happens when you delete and reinstall everything and start a new game. Make a settings save while on the cart ride and that should fix it. I read somewhere that if you restart the PS3 that could be enough.
I started a new character a few weeks ago and didn't run into this (pc version). Lucky me.
I haven't had any problems similar to this, but my highest level character, an orc, kept on freezing on me. No matter anyway, since I am continuing a new character.
Check the technical difficulties if needed:
There may be threads that may be similar to your thread. I hoped I helped.