Fix for PC users:
Xbox and PS3...
Fix for PC users:
Xbox and PS3...
I'm right there with you and I'm a console peasant. For now. After seeing the "new and improved next gen xbox 1" I'm abandoning ship and going PC.
With any luck I'll be able to build a decent gaming rig by my birthday
I honestly never noticed wether they howled or not. I was just insulted as usual that wolves were once again painted as hostile predators. I'm an actual hunter and in RL wolves avoid men, though they will occasionally steal a kill. Which is fine as it's entirely possible they were tracking it first. But I digress.
I play on XBox and wouldn't mind a patch to hear them howl. But with the release of XBox One just around the corner I doubt we'll see any more patches or content even though when Bethseda realeased Skyrim the said we were going to get more than previous TES games(If I recall correctly they predicted 5 add-ons/DLC-We're only at 3 assuming you count Hearthfire, otherwise we're tied with Oblivion at 2). Obviously they got sidetracked by something.
You don't mind a company caring so much about the product they make and the people who pay their bills that they don't sit down in front of a computer for 30 seconds and do something?
Are you familiar with the concept of Battered Person Syndrome?
ha same here, I'm not interested in xbox one at all....a friend of mine got mad at me that I didn't share his excitement, especially with all the TV nonsense. I laughed and said why would I need TV on my xbox or switch to TV on the fly during my game when all I have to do is switch input to get to TV quickly
Yea they definitely screwed up and went in the absolute worst direction possible. You should look up Angry Joe's review over the "reveal".
You mean you don't want to have to play a game on a system that requires you to have an Eyebot that can monitor your heartbeat and watches you in the dark thanks to its infrared?
Seriously who designed that? John Henry Eden?
I'm hoping to make that jump soon myself, but I might still get a PS4 as well, if monies don't prevent it. There are some titles that I don't expect will come to the PC that I'm excited for.
To answer the OP's question though: Yes, my wolves are mute and I have Dawnguard.
The more I hear about this system, the more I wonder if Sheogorath is indeed real. Next they'll tell us it's apart of Reagan's "Star Wars" program and they all shoot lazers at incoming nuclear fire. Everything and anything BUT stuff good for gaming.
Please stop right there, right now. The bugs left in a Bethesda game are no comparison to the mental effects of severe physical and mental abuse, so I would respectfully request you do not even try to compare the two. Seriously, please stop.
exactly what happens in my game, im on the 360.
I may wait a year or two after release before I think about getting an Xbox one, that way the price will have dropped a little and after I make the change over to Pc.( Mostly for TES games and the like )