Strange flickering issue on the mountains?

Post » Sun May 26, 2013 6:17 pm

I have a few mods installed: 2K textures, enhanced night sky and blood, and Sky UI. I was wondering around Alftand yesterday and noticed a fog-like layer in the distance that flickered when I moved my character. Additionally, equipping light-emitting spells like Flames seemed to cause it to flicker without character movement.
Image here:

I've heard of others having issues with colour banding due to the engine, which you can see in this image (a clear band above the recticle) Image compression colours the area blue, but it is actually a faded white colour.
I'm wondering if others experience this in this area at night (facing North over the mountain range from Alftand) I doubt it's a mod conflict given I've run BOSS and I'm sure this occurred even when I only had 2K installed.
Thanks guys
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