Here's a translation of that op for you:
Let's try to summarize what we know about the interesting sky above Nirni.
This means that the mass had disappeared from sight, or not at all obvious. Including HDI-facts, and not the official lore, and the facts of the history of the development. First, read with cosmology.
Here are some thoughts inspired by the topic, which was discussed in the presence of a moon.
First. Little-known facts.
There is a book called A Treatise "Calciners." All forgot to open a topic, but yesterday this amusing little book a couple of times floated to the surface.
Here's an interesting excerpt from it:
Black Marsh Argonian alchemists long ago discovered that the phases of the moon dependent on how to position the calciner. When the moon is full, a calciner is to look to the south, toward the South Pole Star. It is well known that South Polar Star is not strictly in the south. So diligent Alchemist will appeal to the star maps and orient the calciner in accordance with the current date and time of day.
Every night when the moon is not full, the calciner must be turned clockwise by one twenty-eighth of a circle. If the Alchemist is closer to the South Pole star than to the Northern Sisters, then he needs to rotate counterclockwise calciner. Place the unit so that the moon lit it with one hand. Of course, if the moon is new, the calciner must be fully exposed to the light.
Actually, it's almost the whole book:-DTochnee, almost all the developers have given us of its real (in the universe) content.
Hence we get a few of the facts:
1. Moon - one. Whether it's a mistake, fascinated by the alchemy of biodynamic, or the memory of those times when the moon over Nirni was only one, or the main moon is only one of them (Masser and Secunda?).
2. There is a star, called the South Pole Star (Southron pole star), clearly pointing to the South Pole, but is not located directly on it, and next to it (an example of the reality).
3. Of Argonia / Black Marsh is visible South Pole Star. Besides, they say about the difference in the rotation of the calciner (reminiscent of the Coriolis effect). Therefore, (c likely) Black Marsh is in the Southern Hemisphere. If the book is right, of course.
4. There is also a Northern Sisters, most of all, this group (or constellation) of two (maybe more) of the stars or a double (possibly higher multiplicity) star playing the role of the Polar Star.
And here's another forgotten book. Teachings of the 33, we learn that: Nerevar made peace with the southern polar star of theft and the north polar star of the warriors and the third polar star, which existed only in the ether, and which is governed by a student-Magnus sun. Kakby a bit obvious that the first star - it's Eye Thief (Arkay), the second - Eye of the Warrior (Akatosh), the third - Eye of the Magus (Julianos). Although is not a fact. Perhaps the planet separately muhizvezdy separately, and we learn about the three new stars!
In Tel sea is, by the way, the boat, calling "North Star."
The second. The movement of the sun.
As we know, in Daggerfall Magnus (the sun) rose in the west, and sit down in the east, it was specifically designed. Then there is the chance corrected (in Morrowind made in the image and likeness of the Earth). So, before the Warp in the West the sun moved on an exotic way, and after - was the move by the standard. Blooper developers or involuntary testimony Breakthrough Dragon, but definitely fact worthy of mention in this thread.
The third. Cosmology.
Here, too, the two prevailing theories, and also a scientific one, and another ... too scientific, but an outdated style.
1. Let's start with anturazhnye model "antique." Each person in the Nirni convinced that it looks like this. Well, in English, more precisely still, without translation, as long as we do not have a we have it finally appeared.
2. And the scientific model, "look the part." The structure of the solar system Magnus damn similar to the structure of our. Also there are planets that have a spherical shape, the planets have moons, meteors are also present (of which even get a meteoric iron), comets, and it all revolves around the central star. Explained by differences in the perception views, like ancient and medieval, through the Renaissance.
Fourth. Constellation.
Quoting Pocket Guide to the Empire Third edition:
At the birth of every child in heaven Nirni grant the rights. Signs of birth, as they are called, and bring blessings and curses by the magic of each of the constellations. Typically, the number of thirteen, but there were other constellations during the heyday of the Empire, or disasters.
Every child on Nirn is given a birthright by the heavens. Known as star signs, they are fortunes and dooms created by the magical interplay that makes up each of the aetherial constellations. Commonly, these constellations number thirteen, though others have been observed during times of empyrean harmony or stress.
And here's another (quoted from the diary of Oblivion developers about creating a night sky)
Here, for the first time, all of the 13 major Elder Scrolls constellations are visible to the player.
So take it for granted that necessarily thirteen constellations - this is only the number of the most famous constellations (and, therefore, taken as signs of birth).
And here are the words of Uriel Septim Seventh: The heavens strewn with countless sparks. Each of them - the fire, and each of them - the sign.
During both. Well, this is, of course, an allegory, but still 
Here's to you, by the way, our compliance + Tamrielic months and constellations "sign" of Tamriel (my translation and quite free):
January - Morning Star - Morning Star - Ritual
February - Sun's Dawn - Dawn of the Sun - Love (by Laura - The Lover)
March - First Seed - The first North - Lord
April - Rain's Hand - Hand of the Rain - Magician
May - Second Seed - Second North - Shade
June - Midyear - Mid Year - Horse
July - Sun's Height - High Sun - Trainee
August - Last Seed - Last Sev - Warrior
September - Hearthfire - Fire Hearth - Lady
October - Frostfall - Home Morozov - Tower
November - Sun's Dusk - Sunset - Atronach
December - Evening Star - Evening Star - Thief
No permanent season - Serpent
Fifth. Moon.
Masser and Secunda.
The widespread heresy, are halves of Lorkhan's body. And there FIGS knows)
Another common heresy (of Cosmology, by the way!), Which halves rot and decay, as seen through them allegedly stars. But we all know that no one really through the moon does not shine through.
Musser, who is also Joad ("Big Moon God" on Elnofekse), he Tear Mary - red moon. Based on the repainted photographs of Mars
Here's compare: Masser and Mars. So that's that.
Second, he (she?) As Joan ("Little Moon God"), he's Grief Stendarr - white moon. Supposedly based on pictures of Triton, but here the similarity is not so obvious: Second and Triton.
But that's not all! Together, their configuration at birth affects Khajiit is known for its future shape. And this is called parsley ja-ha-jai or Lunar Woven.
As if that were not enough, there are words in the description of Morrowind Star Signs on Masser and Secunda:
Constellation of The Lord with a Prime Aspect of Masser (Constellation Lord with a primary aspect of Massera).
Constellation of The Tower with a Prime Aspect of Secunda (Constellation Tower with a primary aspect of the second).
That's what it meant, eh? Somewhere I saw a suggestion that this Musser / Second is at its zenith.
Perhaps these "aspects" associated with the position of the moons in space, such as ways to get special abilities in the official plugin "Orrery" ("Planetarium") for oblivion.
Sixth. "Third," the moon.
Again, talking about Khajiit!
We all know the line from the head of the first guide of Elsweyr:
The mane can be born only when the rare combination of Masser and Secunda when, according to legend, a third moon appears in the sky.
The combination of this well is very rare! So much so, that they had seen him only khajiit known skuumomany.
So as long as the existence of this "moon" or heavenly body, similar to the "third moon", is in serious doubt.
Seventh. Baar Dau.
To avoid copying the topic that concerns only the moon Baar Dau over Vivek, I will write the two most common theories about the location of the moon out there:
1. Religious. One of the moons, fallen by the will / instigation Mad Stars / Daedric Prince Sheogorath.
2. Sci. It's just a meteor / comet / asteroid that fell from natural causes. And Vivek has "drove" under the scientific base their sermons and feats.
Under the moon may be implied here, and some flies past the celestial body (meteorite or, more likely, a comet, as stated in the Sermon 33).
In any case, it Vivek stopped.
There is a hypothesis that the Baar Dau = Baan Dar (From Cosmology: The largest shooting stars are really planets with independent orbits, like Baan Dar the Rogue Plane, Rogue Moon = Rogue Plane (t), and one of the names have distorted Bosmeri, khajiit or Dunmeri)
Talk Baar Dau is in this topic.
Eighth. Blue Star.
We read in the Book of Hours:
We note in particular ... the Blue Star, which alesstiki (Alesstics) called "Mnemoli" ('Mnemoli'), which passes through this part of Aurbis each timelessness. Psijics treat it with great reverence, and many of them make a pilgrimage to Velothi when it appears, since there the mountain spewing flames during its passage. It is believed that this mountain was one of the last refuges of the Dwemer before they left this world ...
And it is the same:
Of special note is the Blue Star, which the Alesstics call 'Mnemoli', that runs through this part of the Aurbis every untime. The psijiics hold it in much reverence, and many of their folk make pilgrimages to Veloth when it appears because a mountain there catches fire at its passing.
Blue Star, Mnemoli. One of the pantheon of forgotten deities known as "Star Orphans" (Magna Ge) ... tribe of gods and goddesses, that probably felt abandoned when the sun moved away from the Creation of the World. "Magna Ge" can mean all the stars.
Mnemoli responsible for special, mnemolicheskuyu Magic. This issue has been discussed here.
Again, Book of Hours:
It should be mentioned that at least one legend ("Blue Bone Ring Jig") provides the connection between magic and ghostly mnemolicheskim Eaters of the Void (Void Ghost Eaters), the magic practiced in countless cults ObmanschikaLorhana scattered across Tamriel.
Perhaps Azura's Star (another celestial object that appears briefly in the sky in the constellation Horse, when the sun hangs low in the sky) is associated with Mnemoli, for Azura - patroness Psijics Precursor Cells and Power, one of the most famous among them.
Mnemolicheskaya magic associated with "Star Orphans", gods, demons and heroes that live between the Creation (which may include a burp in reality as the Breakthrough of the Dragon). You can think of them as a star composed between Calpe, if more understandable (though, so probably did not understandable).
And as most Blue Star? There is a nice little secret I do not want to spoil. Somebody grab and find it.
I suppose that a secret - it's either that Azura is Mnemoli, or that Mnemoli - it's homeworld of gods and Vehk-ship'a with the first two towers.
Ninth. Constellation Serpent.
Aka no star.
There is a hypothesis that this Cen (perhaps much torn), the text of Varieties of faith in the Empire: Cen (Snake God) Yokudskaya version of Lorkhan. Sepp was born when Big Father created an assistant to handle the spirits. Cen, however, went mad during the Famine Satakal, and persuaded some of the gods to help him create a simpler alternative to going. This is, of course, was the world as we know it, and the spirits who followed Sepom, trapped here, to live out a life in the guise of mortals. Cen was punished great Father for his sin, but his hunger is still living in the void between the stars, "non-space", which is trying to break the deadly entrance to the Far Shores. Here God-hunger Snakes, flying in the void between the stars (Oblivion), and can be constellation Serpent.
Also, there is speculation that it plans Daedra. If anuisticheskie deity - the stars, the padomaiki - un-stars.
The third version - this is the Magna Ge.
However, it is possible that all three are true
Mankar, for example, calls Magna Ge (at the same time confusing them with Mnemoli, calling Mnemoli plural, but the fact he and Mankar: crazy
klyatvootstupnikami, and this may well be the Daedra. But anyway here is very disputable. Maybe Mnemoli really not one entity, but a few, then perhaps the identity Mnemoli = Magna Te = no-star (constellation Snake).
In short, delirium Camoran yet to be deciphered. Here and here he mentioned the Magna Ge and Mnemoli.
Tenth. Blood Moon.
There is a prophecy in Skaal. Once the era, no more, no less, Girtsin VERY BLOODY RITUAL happy hunting. The first two characters talking about the occurrence of the hunting season, uninteresting. But the third character is very interesting because it includes a repaint of the moon turned blood red. One and so red, so the color changes just seconds 
The eleventh. Moon Necromancer.
There is such a thing as in Oblivion "Shade of the Revenant" (in Russian translated our localizers such as "Shadow Revenanta"). This is the name of the event, which takes place in the ritual of Black Stone Shower.
On the Russian found a mention here:
Q: Can I make a Black Soul Gem?
A: It is possible. For this you need a Grand Soul Gem, spell capture souls (such as Soul Trap) and necromancers altar. The mass of the altar you will find in the missions of the Mages Guild. For example there are altars in Fort Istirius or Fort Linchal. Night (day of week and time vary) put Grand Soul Gem in the altar and wait for the sky to fall on the altar of a magical beam of light. Casteel spell capture shower and reach for the altar of Black Soul Gem.Proiskhodit this event simultaneously at four points where these altars are located (by the way, they are not "mass", as written in the answer, and only four) starts every eight days at midnight and lasts 24 hours.
Revenant itself, which gives Shadow - Necromancer's Moon is supposedly referred to in the book of the same name. That is, Mannimarco allegedly found divinity and got its own celestial body.
However, one Well-Hatta (very, very knowledgeable person of the world TEC), we ensured that: Jill Aka-tosa corrected this numiditsiyu. Mannimarco remains the same, and who was - the high priest of the larvae.
So it was under the name of the Necromancer's Moon - Science at neizvestno.Izobrazhenie
Twelfth. Bettlspayr.
This is a Magic Academy for the imperial battle mages, at the same time as a giant fortress dragon skull (best seen here). This is the skull or artificial - is unclear.
It hovers somewhere in the orbit of Nirn, on the border with Aetherius (or between Oblivion and Mundus, one figure is not clear where it is). It was built by the order of Tiber yes-store-it-Akatosh Septima, but the test is not passed.
Discussed it here.
It seems everything he remembered.
For the full experience are encouraged to review dvemerskiy models in translation Garin and Kalyan.