So, I run a fairly well-followed character-journal-blog for my Skyrim character, Simra Hishkari. (Feel free to google that name, as I can't link the blog here.) And he sort of has a token outfit, consisting of a kind of long woolen leather-patched pattern-hemmed coat-like robe. It's been gorgeously rendered in some of the art done to represent him. But sadly it's not really based on in-game models.
Wishing I had an in-game item to represent it has reminded me of some ideas I had a while back for Dunmeri-themed armours and robes. Nothing too complicated, at least as far as I know: just some mixing and matching together of meshes, mostly taken from the Dragonborn DLC. But, while I have the ideas, I'm regrettably not much of a modder.
At its simplest, a model for Simra's coat could be reproduced pretty well by just using the Telvanni Robes model from the belt upwards, and from the belt down, perhaps the vanilla Expert Robes, textured to match? Or even just the Telvanni Robes but with slightly shorter coat-tail? I don't know how easy or tricky any of that would be though?
For a better, more complex version, perhaps the coat made as suggested above, but over an underlayer that looks more like the Dunmer Outfit for Dragonborn: like a tunic beneath it? Perhaps one pauldron replaced with the one from the light Chitin armour?
Obviously, detailed and patterned retexes would be gorgeous, but not necessary by any means.
I don't know at what point I might be asking too much. I don't know if it's even worth asking. But I've heard awesome things about this board, and I thought I'd give it a try.
Thanks for your time. (If you want to hear any of my ideas for similar armours and clothes, just say.)
EDIT: I'd be willing to pay for a really good model as a commission. Or just promote you on the blog, feature a Skyrimified version of you, or one of your characters, as a cameo in the story? Or whatever you fancy really.