Can't disable auto-aim anymore!

Post » Mon May 27, 2013 6:57 am

I just started on an archer character, and noticed that the auto-aim seems to be back even though I had disabled it in the .ini!

It definitely used to work before, but now (because of a patch?) it just won't go away!

I also tried an to see if that would work, but that did nothing either!

Just to be clear, this is what I've got in my Skyrim.ini:


The angle fix seems to work, it's not shooting arrows above where you aim as the default settings do, but the auto-aim's definitely back!

And I haven't got any combat mods installed.

Has anyone else experienced this? Also it would be great if someone else could test this so we know if it's just my game that's fracked up or everyones.

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Post » Mon May 27, 2013 4:12 am

After Googling "disable auto aim skyim" I found a couple of extra lines. They might be worth playing around with.


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Michelle Chau
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Post » Mon May 27, 2013 1:28 pm

Wow, thanks! Actually that seems to have fixed it! :tops:

Strange, because all the posts I found in my searching only mentioned

And I know I didn't have auto-aim before even when I only used the two above settings (you can't not notice it when you try to shoot a moving target. The auto-aim doesn't lead the target at all so it's literally impossible to hit). Weird.

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