Repairing the Cogs of Morrowind #28 (MCP)

Post » Mon May 27, 2013 9:15 am

This is a project to fix bugs in Morrowind that just aren't possible to do with scripting alone. It comes in the form of a patch to the Morrowind program.

The primary fix included is a large change to the savegame code to reduce the majority of crashes, corruption, and missing objects. It also makes the game properly respond to changes in your load list, making inserting and removing mods from your savegames a lot safer. There are many more smaller fixes that cover all areas of the game.

All fixes and gameplay changes included are optional, you can independently select which ones you want to use in the installer.

Compatible with English, West European, Polish, Russian and Steam editions. Compatible with MGE, MWSE, MWE, and FPS Opt 1.96. Not compatible with the Impulse download version, nor FPS Opt 2.0.

Version 2.0 is out now.

Notable features in 2.0:

- Swift casting. Allows casting from any stance, just like Oblivion, with the "ready magic" button. Ready spell stance is still available with the M key.

- Shortcut key improvements. Allows the dialogue window, books and scrolls to be closed with space. In the inventory, full stacks are picked up by default and shift-click instead opens the quantity menu.

- Rebalances of alchemy, soul gems, cast on use items and pickpocketing.

- UI display quality fix. Removes texel misalignment blur. Makes all text and icons as sharp as the source textures. Serious interface clarity improvement. MGE has issues with this fix and draws shaders over the UI.

- Polish character corrections. Corrects dialogue font ó and c (they normally display as O and é) when used with Better Dialogue Font Polish version.

- Steam support. Redates BSAs automatically when the patch is applied.

2.1 is currently in beta.


See the previous threads to see how this came about:
Repairing those Cogs

Now that MCP improves aspects of the graphics and animation handling, you can discuss how to make mods with these new features
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Taylah Illies
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Post » Mon May 27, 2013 9:16 am


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Post » Mon May 27, 2013 6:21 am

For testers:

Install over MCP 2.0, and run the MCP program again. You should see the new beta options at the top.

  • Better ingredient and item selector
    Affects selecting ingredients, enchanting items and the quick item menu.
    This is about all that can be added with a small patch.
  • Removesound script fix
    Fixes the removesound command to avoid always muting actor voices and torch noise.
    The fix makes removesound properly match the sound ID to be removed, if it is specified, instead of muting all actor sound.
  • Allow short weapon reach
    Weapons can now have a shorter reach when modded.
    Disables the way Morrowind clamped weapon reach to a minimum of 1.0.
  • Mercantile fix
    Zero value items are no longer buyable or sellable for 1 gold.
  • Spell selection by keypress (snappy name please)
    Allows selecting spells by pressing the first letter of the spell, while in the inventory menu. Repeat presses will cycle through all spells starting with that letter. Added reverse cycle with shift key. It will only select spells, not powers or magic items. The spell selection only operates after the inventory is open. Any menu which takes key input will turn off the feature until the inventory is next opened.
  • Repair item fatigue fix
    Fixes an oversight where fatigue (a low fatigue bar) would increase the chance of repairing an item and the amount repaired instead of decreasing it.
  • Book and scroll scaling fix
    Makes books, scrolls and the journal scale to fit wider screens by examining the screen height instead of the width. Fixes issues with multi-monitor setups, where the book would be larger than the screen, with all buttons off-screen.
  • Fixed some spelling errors in the descriptions.
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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Mon May 27, 2013 1:33 pm

Reporting a problem with Spell selection. Holding shift to go in reverse asks me if I want to delete the spell.

Repair item fatigue fix is much noticeble. I didn't know this was the case. Now armor repair is noticeably better. Thank you.

Allow short weapon reach - Wow, this is pretty useful. Thanks again.

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