Vampire Cure Disease problem Xbox 360 - Plz Help

Post » Mon May 27, 2013 7:11 pm

I play SKyrim on the X360 and am now level 57.

While completing the Dawnguard story line - I contracted the past I drank a cure disease potion or had a healer remove the disease. During and after completing the main Dawnguard story I realize I was 2 days into the disease and no healer, potion, shrine, etc would cure this.

More interesting is after sleeping, playing, resting for approx. 10 more days I never became a vampire and no one ever ran away from me. I continued into Draagonborn and all the time I had the same follower which was the daughter of the vampires.

I went to get the quest to cure this and it was not available so i waited and slept for 5 more days and to no avail. I finall asked her to turn me into a vampire, went to the inn, got the quest and then was cured by falion (sp).

Later, when wrapping up the Dragonborn story-line I contracted it again, but I used the potion as soon as it popped up. The potion did not cure this. I've now completed Dragonborn days later and have the effects during the day and night but I will not turn into a vampire, no one is scared of me and my appearance will not change.

My thoughts, because my follower is a vampire, is the game bugged when she attacks me and somehow gives me vampire disease. Perhaps this is why I can't cure it and how I caught the disease in the Dragonborn DLC while never coming into contact wiith one vampire after being cured.

If this is haappening is there a bug that anyone can offer to help me out. The reduction of stats and vulnerability to fire is not fun.

Please Help

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Becky Palmer
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Post » Mon May 27, 2013 11:10 am

Sometimes when Serana is your follower, you will acquire 'vampire skills' and yet not be a vampire (Champion of the Night, Nightstalker's Footsteps and Weakness to Fire). This bug is quite rare and the exact cause is unknown. There is no known way to keep this from happening, except to save often and reload a save if it does happen.

  • To rid yourself of this effect, get infected with vampirism. Then, after telling Serana to wait somewhere and then proceed with the quest to cure it.
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Isabella X
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Post » Mon May 27, 2013 2:20 pm

YES I noticed this also even while wearing a 100% immunity to Disease Necklace / Amulet while Serana is your follower you aquire Vampirism intermittently and some times it goes away on it;s own and sometimes you have to reload to a save prior to aquiring it because there is no cure for it and I have tried everything prior to reloads...


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