Oh beautiful barbarian... tell me your secrets.
Oh beautiful barbarian... tell me your secrets.
A Nordic Ruin full of ladies. You should check it out. It's northeast of Dawnstar on a little island. Such a quaint place...
If you enter Riften, take the first right. Then keep walking until you can go left, and go left. You'll see a hatch. Clap three times with your heels, sing Ragnar the Red backwards and summon the elusive Daedric Chupacabra. If you do all these things the hatch will open. Enter and you'll see a closed door, and a voice will ask: 'Have you heard about the word?' Say yes and draw your sword, as an anthropomorhic chicken kick the door open and proceed to attack you. Kill the chicken and enter the room. Congratulations, you've reached Skyrim's only brothel, with lost twin sisters of all hot chicks in Skyrim.