Can anyone give me a quick run down (or point in the direction of a tutorial) that explains how to use a Script Event to start a Quest with the story manager?
I have several radiant quests in one Mod. 3 quests start by Story Manager through Change Location Event and KIll Actor Event. I have no problems with them repeating, each time they repeat the stages are reset to 0 which is great.
My last quest has to start with a script. I haven't used the story manager for this. I've just used myquest.start() and setstage(10) etc. But when the quest has finished and needs to start again the stage stays at the last stage and never returns to zero. I have 'allow repeated stages' ticked and 'run once' unticked. I assume, that this is because I haven't used the Story Manager to start the quest. Hopefully I'm not wrong about that.
I'm hoping that using the SM will fix this problem. But I'm not sure how to use the Script Event function with SM.
Any advice would be great, thanks!