They probably won't. They could revamp a few things like that but I doubt they will since they are done with Skyrim.
They probably won't even give us a minor patch.
I saw one just the other day that I hadn't seen before - it was a decapitation but instead of the usual 'bop on the head then knock his block off' thing I just straight up smashed his head on the ground. Maybe it was the same one, could have been the angle but it surprised the hell out of me.
The only one I really dislike is the headbutting one, but I'm not sure if that's exclusive to warhammers.
Destruction is useful, and since I am not going to bother starting a debate I am now going to shut up.
I'd be satisfied if they just made it fun.
But they probably won't release any more patches. The Legendary Edition comes out next week, and unless it's incredibly broken I doubt they'll ever put thought into how they could improve/fix Skyrim ever again.