Would a potion of fortify destruction increase the damage on destruction-based staves?
Would a potion of fortify destruction increase the damage on destruction-based staves?
I don't think so. I believe the staff has a set damage.
Great, thanks. I had read that certain perks in some of the magical skill trees would boost staves, but I couldn't find anything about potions doing it. thanks for testing!
Fortify Destruction Potions do increase staves damage output -not sure about the named ones though.
The Staff of Jyrik Gauldurson for example doesn't seem to be affected -propably because it uses a unique spell, not available to the player otherwise, but through the staff itself. I'm guessing the Staff of Magnus won't be affected either, but I haven't done any tests to know for sure.
Wow, I might have to make a new Gandalf-type character who is good at Alchemy and just uses various staffs (staves?). Did I read once that there is a way to make your own staff in Dragonborn?