Alright I bought this DLC like two months ago but I've been putting off playing it because once I beat it I'm afraid I might be done with Skyrim for at least the immediate future. I've been finishing off side quests, uncompleted faction storylines, side characters on other save files,
exploring etc etc. I think I'm finally ready to write the last chapter of the Dragonborn before he hangs up his blades above the mantle and settles down for the nice quiet life at Lakeview manor.
Anything else I should do before I leave for Solstheim?
I've got my Legendary Daedric armor and weapons and the difficulty finally maxed out to legendary. I assume "Dragonborn" will have it's own set of characters and stories so their will be no need to take a follower? (Don't know if it would let me?... although I really have no idea as I've been staying away from all synopisis as to avoid spoilers.)