How do you play a Mage?

Post » Tue May 28, 2013 11:02 pm

I have retired a couple mages (two to be exact), pure mages, no armor or weapons, and only using mage perks. I usually have these guys complete the college around level 12 (yes, level 12 and Archmage!) then without much else to do I retire them.

How or what do you do to keep playing a mage? DG doesn’t seem very geared towards mages (I am never playing a vamp again, so no going that route). DB is a very tough place for even a high level warrior so I really don’t see how a mage could handle it at all.

So other than the Mages college (and I generally do the Bard college also) what else in Skyrim ‘fits’ a mage character. I am just not sure what to do with them and I am getting oh so tired of playing warrior/rogues.


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Post » Tue May 28, 2013 11:07 pm

Everything "fits" if you want it to fit.

I have mages who have completed Dawnguard (on both sides) and mages who have defeated Alduin and Miraak.

If your Mage is blessed with Dragonborn blood, then it is his/her duty to defeat Alduin and to defeat Miraak.

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