It was removed?
I like the simple grabbing the enemies weapon then beheading them one.
I'd only ever seen it In this and I just read now that he uses mods in the vid. Dunno if it was a mod or not, but hey, it's damn BA.
Assassin slitting throats with a dagger's pretty badass.
Its pretty easy to tell after playing the game for a while which of those kills are mods.
My favourite animation is the liver shot - when you have a two handed weapon and bash it right on the side of someone's hip when they try to run away.
Dawnguard: Slitting the neck of a gargoyle is awesome.
Most favorite is the Dagger Assaination, Though I also like many others. Depends really on what character I'm playing. Sstaan, My main is an assasin. And thus i thuroughly enjoy watching him assinate.. virtually everyone (I use Invisibility+Assination for bosses-[Dragon Priests, Heavily Armored Opponets, etc.], in fact he avoids most face-to-face fights if possible). While my mage, She-of-many-colors likes killing things with a variety of spells and Sadiss my warrior just cleaves his way through anything while wielding whichever weapon is best. I'm also fond of the werewolf finishers.