4?!?!?!? Can I has one? Pweeeeeaaaaase? I only have a Mac so I use Wine for stuff like that.
4?!?!?!? Can I has one? Pweeeeeaaaaase? I only have a Mac so I use Wine for stuff like that.
haha, sorry, My hobby is building gaming PCs.. I mainly use them for the occasional LAN Party
Omg my friend loves to build gaming PCs he just built one like last year with like 1TB of space and on minecraft he blew a HUGE crater in the world using TNT on a normal world not superflat and he got no lag whatsoever
I play on pc.
I used to play Skyrim on Xbox 360, but after reading up on the Unofficial Patch, I couldn't play on that platform anymore. I guess I'm just that anol about bugs and other stability reducing elements that plague Skyrim.