Looking at the CW threads, I began to wonder how loyalties would change if certain situations changed. Discuss how your loyalties would change or remain the same
Looking at the CW threads, I began to wonder how loyalties would change if certain situations changed. Discuss how your loyalties would change or remain the same
I support the man as much as the cause, if Ulfric was loyal to the Empire, then so would I.
Neutral all the way. Bland cause, uninteresting circumstances, lack of appeal towards both factions...
There should be a switch to neutral option, warp.
Wow, this was by far the easiest poll ever . Remain loyal to the Stormcloaks for every single "what if" statement.
I hate to say it, but I'd have to kill Ulfric if he was loyal to the Empire.
So pretty much the morally correct answer for all of the polls is 'Stormcloaks'. Question about Ulfric siding with the Empire and ruling Solitude, how exactly does Ulfric act in Windhelm besides yapping about the Civil War?
He acts like a true Jarl, unlike the Pampered Elisef. Damn her.
I don't care who's who. Talos is a heresy, and the Nords are a bunch of savage barbarians who should be purged from actuality. Any and all who forsake Alduin, son of Akatosh deserves righteous punishment.
So... "remain neutral" I guess...
Well, that's quite a vague answer. If he acts like a "true Jarl", is loyal to the Empire, and is Jarl of Solitude, I'd say that's good for the Empire then. Better than Elisif.
It really comes down to Elisef or Ulfric... Ulfric wins.
Easy poll. Long live the Emperor! Long live the Empire!
It sure is when you don't consider the options and just biasedly vote for your favorite faction.