I'm on the garden of men quest, where there is one lurker and 2 seekers. any tips on how to kill them.
I'm on the garden of men quest, where there is one lurker and 2 seekers. any tips on how to kill them.
I have tried using magic/scrolls and weapons. The fire storm scroll worked the best but I only have one of those.
Summonings, even the odds.
Potions that boost Magic Resistance to not get harmed by Seekers when killing the Lurker.
Sneaking works on almost everything.
They can be extremely difficult to kill at low levels and still quite challenging even at higher levels. Buy or create a lot of Health, Stamina, and Magicka potions before attempting the black book quests. I don't know what level your character is, but you may want to try waiting until you are at least level 50. Alteration spells that temporary increase armor, such as Stoneflesh or Ebonyflesh, can also be quite useful.
always stay a good distance away and try to stun em with a fus ro dah to the face
I'm level 14, I can't leave the place in order to buy or make more potions. I'm thinking of just restarting my game and doing that quest later on at a higher level. Any thoughts?
When I was level 14 I was doing the Thieves Guild in Riften!
What are you doing on Solstheim so early?
You'll need a 300-damage double-enchanted bow (and ebony arrows) to kill those things, plus at least a couple hundred magicka to summon Dremora Lords as a distraction.
Tip: Do the College of Winterhold and get Arniel's Shade - it's extremely helpful early in the game, uses no magicka, and is almost better than Dremora Lords in some circumstances...
Instead of starting over, turn down the difficulty until you prevail (but still know you've been in a good fight).
Definitely don't go higher than Adept.
Good luck MeggWicker!