have you actually tried Mead?
I found it to sweat
have you actually tried Mead?
I found it to sweat
Or instead of using alternative meanings, you could embrace it!
It can't be an insult if it doesn't insult.
It seems your friends are now completely worthless.
if your old you're a nerd by default, maybe lots of older people play it, like myself..
I don't really think there's a definite response to this in all honesty, but who cares if Skyrim is "nerdy".
Maybe some people feel bad when people say they are nerds or the things they do are nerdy? I on the other hand just accept it. If playing something I love to play makes me nerdy, then I guess I'm nerdy. No rain on my parade there.
But sure, my friends say I'm nerdy all the time, but it doesn't stop me from enjoying myself.
Understandably people probably associate the game with "nerds" due to the fact that it's often viewed as a stereotypical "Sword and Sorcery" game with dragons being the focal point. That's The Elder Scrolls for you!
Bottom line. Don't worry what your friends think and enjoy the game!
As you become older categories fade more and more and then you become unique... That was beautiful!... You just really stop caring about what people think of you. Only thing that matters is what you think of yourself... That was beautiful too!!!
It's because FRPG's require thought and imagination unlike machine guns and rockets which only require testosterone.
I'm a teenager and I have no clue what that is.
And OP, don't listen to their nosequential blatherings