I have updated my skyrim to 1.9 on accident, and I wanted to know if i could downgrade to 1.8. I'm trying to do this on an xbox 360.
(I hate the new patches)
I have updated my skyrim to 1.9 on accident, and I wanted to know if i could downgrade to 1.8. I'm trying to do this on an xbox 360.
(I hate the new patches)
Uninstall the patch date and disconnect your Xbox from the internet.
Why do you hate the new patch?
Scratch that, if you do the above, you will only have Skyrim with no patches installed.
Well the couldn't i jus update to my desire then?
I just dont like that my favorite glitches were patched.
no, it would install all updates at once, so it would not assist you
I have 360 as well.
According to my understanding if you WERE able to get rid of 1.9 initially it won't help since when you sign back on to X-Box Live it will automatically download the update once again so it appears we are stuck with it.
If it's a matter of freezes you are getting hit with then clearing game cache should do it, it appears it has for me.
Hold the left and right buttons as well as the X button AS SOON as you start the game until the Beth logo appears on the start screen.
I was having constant freezes when walking my horse from Riften to Whiterun, perhaps a dozen which forced me to constantly save to hold my progress. After learning how to clear cache I jumped on my horse at the Whiterun stable and ran him hard all the way to Heljerchen Hall and back. Although there were a number of hard waits at loading cells (And all my freezes have been at outdoor loading cells) there were no freezes.
Hope this helps.
No you can't pick what patch to download. If you uninstall/wipe the data you could start with an unpatched game, but the moment you try to update the game it will automatically give you the latest patch. So unless you can manually download the version of patch you want and then install it yourself, you're either going to be playing an unpatched version of Skyrim, version 1.9, or none.
And trust me, I'm pretty peeved at the removal of certain glitches myself.
Thx for the help ill just have to deal with the patches and play the right way.