Don't soon forget that the Dragonborn has a great deal of assets and, much unlike the game, would not be limited to using them once per hour.
Don't soon forget that the Dragonborn has a great deal of assets and, much unlike the game, would not be limited to using them once per hour.
While true, still the Dragonborn is, in lore, not even a spec of dust compared to the power of Numidium which Tiber Septim, the man later to become part of Talos, needed to take over Tamriel; there is really no way to spin this so that the Dragonborn, in keeping with lore, can "Destroy or take over Tamriel by him/herself".
No way the Dovahkiin could take on Tamriel single handedly. But you know who could?
Oh god, the entire game would be a chorus of yelling, grunting and filler
EDIT: just clicked the picture, thanks for the nightmares
But Goku is a good guy at heart, he'd be working to save Tamriel from Freeza, not destroy it.
The dragonborn is the strongest mortal on tamriel as far as we know
on the whole world? maybe tied with the nevervine(sp) also the COC may or may not be a certain prince of lulz
Having the power to dominate make others follow and fight under the banner of the dragonborn is the power that the dragonborn has its pretty much written into the game and the lore. As for needing more guards because of this in the next TES well we wont be dragonborn.
Well.. I don't think there's another being walking Nirn who's a match for him at this point.
nah just give all the guards ebony bows and arrows
Lore-wise? I'd wager on Divyath being a match
Well...if i put the game on own mode novice...then yes
it is also "Possible" the Nevevarine is a Dragonborn as well (Depending on how you interrupt the Prophecy), So he could use Thu'um as well
not to mention, Nevevarine has probably picked up some valuable skills training in Akavir all these years...
If Molag Bal and Dagon failed, I doubt the Dovahkiin can.
tamriel is a no-no, but he/she could probably level skyrim if he/she wanted to, lore-wise
people on here tend to vastly under estimate the LDB's power,
I would say lore wise the LDB is about as powerful as any one individual can get in Tamriel.
The Dragonborn would make a huge difference in a war, with the ability to create thunderstorms and counting on the aid from either dragon allies or those under Bend Will.
But taking over a whole continent is far from being a one man job.
True be someone of those ability's would be able to gather together an army to fight in his/her name. The LDB slayer of Alduin at the head of an army would be pretty unstoppable and be able to found a new empire.
An army is the answer to subjugating an empire and building a new one, not a single man.