» Fri May 31, 2013 5:00 pm
I thought maybe you fools at Crytek would release this free since you screwed up for so long. In my opinion you owed us for bad communication and a horribly bugged game. 15 bucks for a dead game with 250 players max at best?!?! No **** way, you take that insult and shove it buddy! I will never EVER buy another crysis title again for that smack in the communities face, 50 people on each system MIGHT buy this so it's wasted money, I feel sorry for who ever buys this and I'm sorry you won't get to play it even once. Crytek you lost a fan and a supporter because of your stupidity. I will not support a company that scams it's fans.
I have to disagree, Crytek staff have had great communication on an almost daily basis since launch. I've never seen that in ANY game ever before. They have listened to the community for mp balancing, just about everything...
Don't feel sorry for me, I know me and my clan mates and about 30 other ppl That I know here on MC will be enjoying the heck out of this.
Feel free to come join the server, I garuntee you'll have a blast. Crysis and Jungles are like 2 pees in a pod, how can you miss out on that?
The DLC itself will be good but 15 euros it′s too much, 10 euros would be more reasonable.