Hi all. I'm trying to find a mod that deals with equippable light sources (torches, lanterns etc). I tried applying the ini settings suggested by IC3 in his ini tweak guide, but while I like some aspects of new lighting, some sources are just too big or too bright. Then there's also the insane flickering and for some reason I'm experiencing a bad FPS hit with these new settings. Also tried TLM, but it's not my cup of tea. I'm basically looking for a mod that adjusts the light radius of all equippable light sources, but leaves all the others untouched. If norhing like this exists I might just make it. I just figured it won't hurt to ask first.

I'm so tired of not being able to see anything in dark areas and torches being completely useless in the vanilla game. Save my eyes, please! I'll get blind if I keep squinting at the monitor like this.