Hello to my fellow Skyrimmers! I thought this vote was really interesting and I loved your answers. I never thought about it this way.
I voted yes, because a duel is a duel. And also because I also want to kill off that turd Jarl up in Dawnstar. He makes my skin crawl.
Anyway, if I get into a fight, it makes no difference how I win as long as I win. I'm from the Phila. area can you tell? 
All kidding aside, you never know what you're getting into if you engage someone. You all that say he murdered him, how many times have you ran across a bandit and disbanded them with magic. Was it fair, no. Did you win, yes.
So I have a question. I've been playing Skyrim for a year or so now and haven't taken any sides. Does this mean the people that voted here have? If some of you think Ulfric murdered the high king, does that put you on the other side? I'm just asking because I'm still on the fence.