The last voting (Round 4 is here)
The voting stopped at 98 votes
It's finally time for the final! Here are my commenting on the characters here!
Annekke Crag-Jumper: Ugh.. Hot this and hot that, I hope that she doesn't win. She has NO skill at all or yes she do, she can manipulate you to vote for her ;D
My Ranking: 6th place
You're ranking: 2st place
Serana: The sixy vampire is back! She started of kind of weak but now she may win again. She is skilled in combat, annoying for some. i personally like her but she is not my favorite
My Ranking: 2st place
You're ranking: 1st place
Teldryn Sero: I'm so happy that he got here. he is a skilled war-mage, funny, ironic and is my favorite in the final! GO TELDRYN!!
My ranking: 1st place
You're ranking: 4th place
Mjoll The Lioness: Ah the two handed machine! It's good to see her here again but can she take the crown away from Serana? She lost big last time but still came in second place. I really like her come on Mjoll!
My ranking: 3 place
You're ranking: 3 place
Jenassa: ..... I hate her.. This elf took away my frea from the competition DAMN YOU ALL!
My ranking: 4th place
You're ranking: 6th place
Jordis The Sword Maiden: OMG What is she doing here again!? J'zargo save me from this overrated bastard!
My ranking: 5th Place
You're ranking: 5th place