The usual question: why would anyone need a strategy guide?
It does look nice though.
I got the guide for the vanilla game. But Im the kind of player that gets enjoyment out of reading guides, nto because I need the help but I like the reading material, if that makes
Makes complete sense. When I was a kid (LONG time ago, I'm about to date myself here), I used to read Nintendo Power just because it was entertaining to read about games... I didn't even play any of the games I read about.
Ahhh Nintendo Power, I use to read that as well. Along with Game Pro, the not so new days. Heh.
But nah I won't be getting it, I already have the Hardbound collectors edition so I see no point in getting it. If I didn't already have the collectors edition, sure I'd get it.
I get a strategy guide for all the games I really enjoy as more of a keepsake rather than using as a guide. Although, I always find that when I get the guide I discover things in the game that I never noticed or knew about before, even after 100's of game hours.
I second that. I'll get it, don't need it. But I'll get it and most likely use it more then the internet for info.