Game does not recognize level?

Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:47 am

I completed Transcending the Mundane at level 15 and I Oghma Infinium glitched myself to 81. I went to Darklight tower in The Rift to start the quest Repentance and have Illia as my follower. (Note I'm level 81) I started the quest and went upstairs and began killing the npcs I realized Illia wasn't using her expert level spells. She was using novice and apprentice level spells. I don't understand how to fix this or have the game recognize that I'm level 81. Before I Oghmad my stats I had a different character who didn't use the glitch and was level 37 and Illia was using her expert spells on that charact build. Master settings.

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Richard Dixon
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Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:19 am

Lol try to reset some skills you don't use to legendary status and get one level normally. Not saying it's gonna fix it for sure but it might.

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Tasha Clifford
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