So, went and re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-redownloaded F3 on my PC, got some mods, went and played. Fun times. Anyhow, did some looking, are there any mods that let me use the meats, boar, gecko, wanamingo, iguana, etc. from Martigens Mutant Mod for Fallout Wanderer's Editions Primary Needs? I (Sadly) found out you can't cook them on the portable grill, and none of them are good for lowering hunger. I did some searching (With google and on the nexus) and couldn't find any straightforward fixes or mods that added this.
So, what I'm saying I guess, is does anyone know a mod that adds the MMM added food to the primary needs added via FWE?
Or for that matter, any food based mods compatible with FWE?