Without everyone else's answer coloring my own opinion, I still stick by the Khajiit. The majority are very amiable.
Without everyone else's answer coloring my own opinion, I still stick by the Khajiit. The majority are very amiable.
Of course they are. Would you buy something from someone if they cursed you and your ancestors out the second they saw you?
I voted Bosmer,mostly because the Khajiit has Miaq the liar,he doesn't seem very humble to me.
That and there reluctance to go to war where as the Khajiit have no problem with that.
The reason for the Bosmers reluctance to go to war is there tradition for eating the corpses of there enemies,I don't think it's something they really like to do,it's just there tradition.
The wild hunt is another reason I voted for them,it is said that all the worst monsters in tamriel have come from the wild hunt.
Something the Bosmer are very much not proud of and live a humble life because of.
Moon Sugar is needed to make Skooma and is illegal because of this.
Ha! As a race, the Bosmer are far and away the most insane of all Tamriel! Think back to Oblivion; of the (many) crazy people you met, how many were Bosmer? Let's see...
The Adoring Fan
Thurindil (the literally crazy Bosmer in Anvil)
Taelendril (DB)
Eridor ( Paranoid Bosmer who had you stalk a bunch of people)
Thadon (the [Vehk]ing DUKE OF MANIA of all the Shivering Isles
And that's just a delightful small sample of the insane Bosmer from Oblivion alone; no mention of any other game.
Insanity aside, most Bosmer seem to be of the "if I can kill you, good! If not, please don't kill me!" persuasion - not terribly humble.
My vote goes for... Giants. Seriously, they just want everyone to leave them alone, and only fight when provoked.
We Altmer are the most humble. We only inform people of our superiority, so that the lesser races will become inspired to achieve greatness.
You have the ancient Crystal-Like-Law belief of the Aldmer right there. Nice.
How typical for people to misinterpret it. For what use is it to them? They would rather pursue greatness through unrelenting, selfish bloodshed. What is enlightenment to them, when they can just step on any and all, and be done with it? The arrogance, pride, and ambition of men will be their downfall.
"Many in Skyrim refuse to talk to us. I am glad to see you are not such a one."
"May your road lead you to warm sands."
I agree, giants are so chill. Besides the ones that hide in that cave for the Orc stronghold quest. All the others are cool as a cucumber.
OP: Hmmm, I dunno. Most Imperials I meet are pretty nice, but Khajiit.
Man, I hate decisions
Second paragraph is also sig worthy. Damn you and your words of wisdom, Hev.
And people say I'm a cruel and brutal man. Such slander. It is obvious wicked Valdar has brainwashed the lot of them.
Khajiit, though Argonians seem to be the most level-headed race in Tamriel.
Khajiit are the most humble race from what we see, closely followed by Bosmer and Argonians who display neither much humility or pride. Personally, I think it's more the circumstances we find the examples of each race in more than anything and how little we're saturated with their culture.