Mods for a ranger looking for a good dog or wolf

Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:41 pm

I'm wanting to start a new play through with a ranger/hunter type. Duel wielded swords or dagger or a combo with a bow and light armor I also don't want to take on the big bad world of skyrim alone, So I would like an animal companion and not just the typical bland dog that just barks and nips at heels. One that has a personality one that I can feel something for and feel an obligation to protect also one that has more than just the regular features of a vanilla dog, such as fetch me this item, move out the way, even have his skills progress with yours. All that being said If you guys can think of mods that will make me feel like a ranger/hunter then feel free to spit them out I love feedback and suggestions.

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jesse villaneda
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:32 am

You might like It's what I use and I love it. The animals have their own textures that you can choose from as well as their own personalities. As their level and disposition towards you increase, they also gain some abilities (which are detailed in the readme tab on the mod page).

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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:13 pm

My mod, Hunting in Skyrim might be of interest to you - :) Also my player home Woodsmans Shack -

You may also want to check out Hunterborn, on the nexus or steam workshop. And footprints is an excellent companion mod for hunter players :)
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Erika Ellsworth
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