WATER Water And Terrain Enhancement Redux
do i have to do the same has i do for Water?
Does it works with patch 1.8?
Letting people know version is up, Just in case anyone missed previous versions.
Version 1.34C (Newest Version)
* Forced Fermi & Kepler to only search for the Player once a week.
* Resolved issue with the New Animals Sound Effects & should now fade with distance.
* Roosters will now Crow daily, starting from 5AM till 8AM (without the need of Scripts).
* Added Scaredy Lone Wolf Spawn points.
* Added back Small Spiders.
Version 1.34B
* Fixed AI issue that would make Elks, Deers, Hare, SmallCrab to stop responding.
* Fixed Fermi & Kepler Factions, so they would not attack Player Horses or Companions.
Version 1.34
* Added Spawn points of most animals through all Skyrim
* Added Pig and Pigglet as Farm Animals
* Added Sheep and Baby Sheep as Farm Animals
* Added Goose and Goose Chick as Farm Animals
* Massively improved Baby Animal Proportions.
Version 1.30
* This version focus on Stability, i redid the mod from scratch and did not had time to other features, so you will not see Baby Animals, Herds or Wolf Packs, those will be added back in next version.
* Rebuild the mod from Scratch.
* Animals will now drop random Items at Death in a way that makes sense.
* Adjusted CombatStyles AI for most Predators.
If they're not in this mod, I think they're in Birds of Skyrim.