I used to pull decent scores at the end of rounds, always going positive with at least 3+k/d.
Using the starting equipment, I am getting my **** kicked in.
I'm struggling to even go positive! And I know how to play the game to an in-depth degree.
This game is ALL about unlocks and gadgets, not skill. You still need skills to make use of that equipment, but if you don't have it then you're going to get screwed.
Laser sights and muzzle breaks, Essential kit for your gun when everyone else has them, but they are usually the last few unlocks of the weapon, Grind grind grind grind grind grind grind..
Perk leveling is also rediculous, further widening the gap between people who have been playing along time and new players.
So Crytek's attempts to make the game more accessible failed, and ended up making it even harder than Crysis 2 to get into.
One of the main reasons for this failure is **** guns in custom classes, Why not do it Crysis 2 style where players are given the most OP gun (SCAR) at the start of the game?
Perk leveling is rediculous, further widening the gap between people who have been playing along time and new players.
I really feel that the Multiplayer was completely driven by EA, Whereas in Crysis 2 it felt like Crytek had to have MP but tried to create something really special with it, With Crysis 3 it feels abit forced with the insane amount of grinding.