Pure Archer build.

Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:56 pm

I've started a new game and I want to be a pure archer. What sort of equipment should I use? Any good weapons I should get? What perks? I'm going to focus on Stealth,Archery and sneak. Ill mostly go out hunting and be outdoors in the forests mostly. I'm probably going to wear a mages hood because it looks pretty epic. If there are any other hoods to use that look bad ass please tell me! I need suggestion please anything will be appreciated!
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:10 pm

If you are on PC, there are some great mods for bows,armours and hoods etc specifically for Archers. :D

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Charlie Sarson
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:27 pm

Unfortunately I'm on console :( any tips though?
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:34 pm

For skill trees, I'd go for Archery, Heavy Armor (if you want to tank and die less quickly) or Light Armor (if you want to move quickly and have more inventory open), and Smithing (so you can get those armors and improve your bows more).

For equipment, if you're willing to do the Dawnguard quest early, Crossbows are pretty much portable hand-cannons with specialized ammunition, and you get a bow at the end of the questline with one of the fastest draw speeds and awesome enchantments in the game. If you do spring for a crossbow, I'd recommend also carrying a bow with you (because the ammunition is specialized, so you'll run out quickly) and getting the Steel Smithing perk as quickly as you can so you can do the quests to get better crossbows and bolts for them.

For enchantments on the bows, if you have Dragonborn, I'd recommend putting the Chaos Damage on your bows/crossbows (especially bows, since they'll do more damage and bows are relatively underpowered early in the game), but I'd suggest waiting till you're at least LV10 to go get it (doing the quest with the Ash Spawn yields the Champion's Cudgel, which can be de-enchanted to learn Chaos Damage), because the enemies on Solstheim are hideously overpowered early in the game for some reason. Paralyze is insanely useful no matter how long the effect lasts since it'll force enemies to waste time getting back up once it wears off (assuming they're not dead already), and Absorb Stamina is good for recharging your stamina used in zooming in.

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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:41 pm

For a pure archer, archery and sneak are enough. I'd also recommend light armour (the bandit-type armours are a good fit for looks,) smithing (if you have Dawnguard, you can make your own arrows,) and either alchemy or restoration for healing.

You can get a decent wilderness look from:

-The covered version of the fur armour, or the hide armour;

-A mage hood (the Novice Hood from Helgen is one; else you'll need to get one off a thief);

-Any sort of bandit-type gloves or bracers, along with boots.

If you have Dragonborn, the Skaal armour set is nice, even though it can't be improved.

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Sam Parker
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 4:38 pm

Well first thing your gonna do is get faendal as your follower an be a bosmer also then you use faendal to get you to 50 but don't forget that after every lesson to go in his inventory an take the gold back so your basically getting lessons for free then concentrate on getting the left side of the archery tree so you can zoom in an if you want you can get the slow down perks but I found them to be a waste an instead put two perks in the critical hit damage.

An if you do what I did you would also want to concentrate on doing the companions just so you can continue your free training with Aela plus she's a better companion then faendal an once you've got to 50 in archery you then want to start using peeking sneak up to silent roll I think as by then you should of also got the light foot perk although again it could be a hindrance as I personally like setting traps off an using them to kill my enemy since they don't always set it off themselves.

Hood wise or clothes wise I'd go for the dark brotherhood since the hood does 30 bow damage I think the boots muddle your steps so you don't have to waste a perk buying it in sneak an the double backstab damage from the gloves is also a bonus or you can mix an match the thieves guild and dark brotherhood which are both suited for archers and are the factions I concentrated on after I had Aela an had used her for her free training an the nightingale clothes look sixy too an I can't remember but the nightingale bow is pretty sweet too.

An even if you don't do any of their quests you can still get training from both factions but you do also get some good rewards including 2 bows if I'm not mistaken not o mention if you progress far along into the db questioned you get shadowmere even if she has put on a lot of weight since oblivion but she's still a free immortal mount unless you come across the bug were once she dies you can't call her back at the pool outside the db cave an by the time your level 30 you should pretty much have archery an sneak fully perked.

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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 4:08 pm

Alchemy would be good for you to use!

Little poison here, little paralyzing shot there

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